Events and Conferences: Local Constituencies Work to Solve Globally Relevant Problems
In an age of virtual communications and social media friendships, face‐to‐face meetings are more valuable than ever before. They create the personal bonds that online networks build upon and extend.
To foster social impact, different communities — that do not automatically intersect in the normal course of events — must be engaged. These communities include civil society organizations, community members, tech companies, technology activists, philanthropists, and government. Face‐to‐face conferences and meetups build trust and help participants to understand and collaborate with each other.
The TechSoup partner network has developed an expertise; it brings together a diverse cross-section of the community to foster discourse about tech and innovation with current and potential stakeholders. These in-person events spur meaningful discussion toward common goals and enable people to explore opportunities to drive partnerships, increase socioeconomic development, and advance new technologies.
Our events have a variety of formats. Besides conferences and summits, we hosted one of the very first innovation challenges in 2007, which helped launch Ushahidi. These events have evolved into volunteer‐powered, community‐based meetups that now happen regularly in more than 50 cities around the world.

YSEALI Regional Workshop- Applications are now open!
TechSoup Asia Pacific in partnership with the U.S. Embassy Kuala Lumpur will host the Young Southeast Asia Leadership Initiative (YSEALI) Regional Workshop on Good Governance and Civil Society in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on October 19 – 23, 2020. The workshop aims to build capacity among 100 youth leaders across ASEAN and Timor Leste who are … Continue reading YSEALI Regional Workshop- Applications are now open!

Social Media for Social Change
In May 2018, Malaysia saw a new beginning : a new political coalition party, Pakatan Harapan (Alliance of Hope), took over Malaysia for the first time since independence from the British in 1957. Overnight, the political tsunami in Malaysia became a hallmark of democracy across the country and the region. As with any new situation, … Continue reading Social Media for Social Change

Incubating Solutions to Fight Human Trafficking
TechSoup Asia-Pacific and partner Yayasan Salam hosts an event in Malaysia that brought together organizations with shark-tank-esque pitches on why their initiatives against human trafficking should be incubated. This project was funded by the US Embassy of Malaysia.

TechSoup and Yayasan Salam: Strengthening organizations in anti-human trafficking Malaysia
TechSoup Asia-Pacific and local partner, Yayasan Salam, recently completed a series of digital tech training for non-government organizations (NGOs) working in anti-human trafficking in Malaysia. Funded by the US Embassy in Malaysia, the project was designed with three key objectives in mind: to promote a cross-country and regional learning platform; to provide and make knowledge, … Continue reading TechSoup and Yayasan Salam: Strengthening organizations in anti-human trafficking Malaysia

Calling all NGOs in the Anti-Human Trafficking Sector – Step Up For the NGO Incubator Pitch
Working towards social transformation is never a straight road. The painstaking effort undertaken by all actors at various levels of governance such as the policy-making, enforcement and grassroot levels must work as a cohesive unit to truly tackle the issue of human trafficking in order to effectively eradicate what we now understand to be modern … Continue reading Calling all NGOs in the Anti-Human Trafficking Sector – Step Up For the NGO Incubator Pitch

Bridging HIV Awareness and Technology
FHI 360, TechSoup Asia-Pacific and Kitabisa work towards strengthening the ICT capacities of grassroots NGOs in Indonesia that are working to combat HIV

Strengthening Capacities of NGOs working in Anti-Human Trafficking
TechSoup Asia-Pacific, together with local partner Yayasan Salam, host a series of workshops in Malaysia to improve local NGOs capacities on digital security, data management and storytelling.

NGO Needs Mapping Workshop in Manila
TechSoup Asia-Pacific holds a needs mappying workshop for NGOs based in Manila, introducing them to the vast donations catalogue while also helping them create a workplan on efficiently implementing these in their offices.

A guided tour of the Cloud: Empowering NGOs in China with Office 365
NPI develops a focused training program to assist NGOs to implement Office 365 in their workplaces.
NGO Connection Day 2018 in Taiwan
Every year, we tour in different cities in Taiwan to explore new ICT innovation and trends with local nonprofits. These events are co-sponsored by the local Microsoft office in Taiwan. In 2018, we successfully conducted 3 events: “Office 365 Advanced Training for NPOs” in Taipei and Kaohsiung cities, and “Basic Data Analysis for NPOs” in … Continue reading NGO Connection Day 2018 in Taiwan

TechSoup in the CSR space, Kuala Lumpur
TechSoup APAC brings together representatives of various local sectors in Malaysia that are engaged in CSR & philanthropy.

Mapping NGO Capacities Across the Region
Looking at a room of 30 people from all walks of the nonprofit sector, I wasn’t sure my planned session was going to work. The participants represented very diverse causes – from HIV intervention and prevention, cultural restoration and preservation, empowerment of rural farmers, faith-based child protection, food wastage, disability rights, to LGBTQ and gender … Continue reading Mapping NGO Capacities Across the Region

Sharing at AVPN 2017 in Bangkok
Simon Gee and Matt Jung joined the AVPN Conference in Bangkok, Thailand last 9 June 2017.

Digi-monetization of India
In November 2016, India announced a complete ban on the 1000 and 500 rupee notes, as part of the government’s efforts to crack down on the counterfeit economy. Operating on a 95% cash transaction basis, the sudden move to a sudden cashless economy left the majority of Indians in a panic – vendors who mostly … Continue reading Digi-monetization of India

Ageing in a Technological Era
Less than 30 years ago, ageing populations were perceived to be a burden to families and society – their contributions to community were heavily outweighed by the need to look after them. In recent years, the emergence of new technology solutions, designed and built specifically to address ageing on different levels, be it dementia, Alzheimer’s … Continue reading Ageing in a Technological Era

Reintroducing TechSoup Thailand
Nonprofits around the globe face similar challenges. However, with changes in political landscapes, shifts in economic powers and evolving market trends, these challenges often become very geographically contained. In early May 2017, TechSoup Thailand organized a networking and learning event to understand the current challenges that Thai nonprofits are facing. As a technology nonprofit, TechSoup … Continue reading Reintroducing TechSoup Thailand

Technology for Good Day 2017
The “Technology for Good Day” event, formerly known as “NGO Day”, has established itself as a key platform for non-governmental organizations (NGOs), public and private sectors to exchange experience, develop partnership and explore new ICT and strategies in meeting social needs of all kinds. It also signifies the 13th year collaboration between Microsoft Hong Kong … Continue reading Technology for Good Day 2017

How Digital Literacy Affects Nonprofits
“Anyone here uses Skype for international calls?” Sheepish grins around the room, then silence. “I know little bit lah, but not so pandai (clever in Bahasa Malaysia). Can teach Aunty?” This was the typical response we received during our training for nonprofits: they’ve heard, they’ve seen, but never explored. Be it Skype, Slack, MailChimp, Outlook, … Continue reading How Digital Literacy Affects Nonprofits

Taiwan: 2016 NGO Connection Day
Every year, we tour in different cities around Taiwan to explore new ICT innovation and trends with NGOs. In 2016, we hosted six events around Taiwan with topics covered “Office 365: Sharings and Experiences of NPO”, “Powerful Tool for Social Workers: Visio with Powerful Pedigree Stencil” and strategy of social media contents. 499 attendees, representing … Continue reading Taiwan: 2016 NGO Connection Day

Hong Kong: ITRC Forum 2016 – Computing Everywhere
In December 2016, Hong Kong’s I.T Resource Center (ITRC) organized the ITRC Forum 2016 themed Computing Everywhere. The forum served as a platform for nonprofits and ICT solution providers to meet and share relevant technology trends and development. The main objective of the forum was to encourage the adoption of ICT applications among nonprofits, which in … Continue reading Hong Kong: ITRC Forum 2016 – Computing Everywhere

Hong Kong: Macau ICT Forum 2016
The Macau ICT Forum 2016, co-organized by HKCSS and the Social Work Bureau of Macau Government, is held at Macau on December 14, 2016. The aim of the Forum is to facilitate the understanding of ICT trends and the role of ICT in delivering and advancing social services for NGO coworkers. The Forum includes … Continue reading Hong Kong: Macau ICT Forum 2016

Tech For Nonprofits In A New Democracy
There is much to learn in Myanmar, a country that has just embraced globalization for the first time in its history. The TechSoup Asia-Pacific team recently embarked on a short familiarization trip to Myanmar, to meet with stakeholders and understand the social development challenges that the country is facing, having just opened its doors to … Continue reading Tech For Nonprofits In A New Democracy

Connecting Up Conference 2016
This conference will be on 18-20 May at the Hawthorn Arts Centre, Melbourne, and is hosted by TechSoup’s partner, Connecting Up.

Hong Kong: SocTech
SocTech is the abbreviation of Social Tech(nology), a new initiative of the Information Technology Resource Centre (ITRC). SocTech promotes inter-sectoral collaboration between the social and technology sectors, emphasizing the power of technology as a society shaper. In the mid to long-term, SocTech targets to foster a vibrant and dynamic culture in the Hong Kong community, … Continue reading Hong Kong: SocTech

Hong Kong: HKCSS – DBS Social Innovators 2016 Final Pitch
Earlier this year, DBS Foundation kicked off the inaugural DBS Social Innovators 2016. The HK$2 million program provides funding and incubation support to social innovators to solve various problems through social entrepreneurship. Over the past three years, DBS Foundation has promoted the development of social enterprises in Hong Kong amounting to HK$6 million. The Foundation … Continue reading Hong Kong: HKCSS – DBS Social Innovators 2016 Final Pitch

Hong Kong: Technology for Good 2016 Events
The Technology for Good Day, formerly known as NGO Day, was a grand success this year. Sixty-two senior executives attended the executive breakfast, and 87 IT managers and front line officers attended the half-day conference. Fifty-one NGO coworkers attended the two technical workshops. The theme of the event was Cloud Technology – From Theory to … Continue reading Hong Kong: Technology for Good 2016 Events
Coding for Indonesia activists and organisations
#WeSpeakCode in Jakarta, March 2015, a week-long series of workshops hosted by Microsoft, the YCAB Foundation and TechSoup Asia, specifically dedicated to introducing coding to students, women and nonprofits

Digital Strategies for Development Summit
Hosted by TechSoup partner ASSIST in Manila in Oct. 2014, the Digital Summit for Development Strategies brought together 400 Delegates and 55 speakers and thought-leaders to connect and share innovative, tech-related solutions

VietICT NPOs and Volunteers Connection Day
This one day event was attended by 400 youths and 25 different NGOs all seeking to build opportunities and connect willing volunteers to NGOs