With a presence in 30 cities and nearly 200 staff and advisors, Non Profit Incubator (NPI), a nonprofit intermediary supporting more than 1,000 nonprofit organizations and social entrepreneurs in China since 2006.
Email: infosh@npi.org.cn
Website: npi.org.cn
Tel: +86-215-187-9851
NPI’s programs include:

Tableau Analysis Data Training
In early December, TechSoup China’s local partner, NPI worked with the local China Tableau marketing office to provide Tableau training to selected NGOs and key NPI project staff, including the China Foundation Center and Greenpeace. The 3 hour hands-on demo and training covered key data analysis and visualization capabilities such as data maps and comparative … Continue reading Tableau Analysis Data Training

TechSoup, Ford Foundation China and China Pro Bono Link empower NGOs
In collaboration with Ford Foundation China and our China partner Pro Bono Link, TechSoup Asia-Pacific will be launching a new pilot project in China to help non-profits connect with service providers and consultants. The project comprises two components: first, the development of an online directory of service providers ranging from legal, finance, human resources, information … Continue reading TechSoup, Ford Foundation China and China Pro Bono Link empower NGOs

Yibo Cloud Solution
NPI provides a laptop-software-support-IT training solution for China non-profits, charities and foundations.