Japan Nonprofit Organization Center (JNPOC) is a national infrastructure organization for the nonprofit community in Japan. JNPOC supports the growth of local civil society organizations, cultivates and promotes multi-sector partnerships, and develops policy-oriented research.

In addition to their programs, some of their other initiatives include:

NPO Hiroba: An online database of over 50,000 local NPOs, allow them to help these NPOs gain accountability and visibility.

Civil Sector National Conference 2016

In November 2016, our Japan partner NGO, Japan NPO Center (JNPOC), held a biannual conference titled “Civic Sector National Conference” where leaders and future leaders from various nonprofit sectors, academicians as well as representatives of business and government sectors, came together to discuss current and future issues in the Japanese civil sector. Themed “Power of … Continue reading Civil Sector National Conference 2016

Japan Patner JNPOC

Tohoku Disaster Relief

Since 2011, Japan NPO Center has promoted citizen-led support for disaster relief through trainings and funds.