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tech donations for ngos

Technology donations

Eligible nonprofits can access over 375 software and hardware products from Microsoft, Adobe, and more, all for a charity discount

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ngo donor validation

NGO Validation & Data

We enable grantmakers, companies, and governments to verify eligible nonprofits, and match them with the best resources

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tech trainings for ngos

Capacity Development & Training

Organizations can stay up to date and innovative with training events and online education that includes webinars, blogs, and e-learning

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Technology Consultancy & Support

TechSoup Asia-Pacific offers NGOs advice, consultancy, project management, and support services; we help to identify needs and solutions

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community events

Events and Conferences

We bring nonprofit, business, and government collaborators together through events to develop meaningful discussions and partnerships

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TechSoup Asia-Pacific Partner Network

In 43 countries, we are supporting over 35,000+ nonprofit organizations

About our Partners